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Setup Lingui in Next.js


After creating your Next.js project install the Lingui dependencies. Make sure to install a version greater or equal to 4.8.0.

npm i @lingui/core @lingui/react
npm i -D @lingui/cli @lingui/loader @lingui/macro @lingui/swc-plugin


In the next.config.js file we can add 2 configurations to make our life a little easier. The swc-plugin to be able to use Lingui macros and the @lingui/loader to load translation files without compiling them to js first. Both steps are optional if you for example are not using macros.

/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
module.exports = {
// to use lingui macros
experimental: {
swcPlugins: [
['@lingui/swc-plugin', {}],
// To import .po (or other formats) translation files directly
webpack: (config, options) => {
test: /\.po/,
use: [
loader: '@lingui/loader',
return config

Also add a global declaration of the *.po file type and its contents to get Typescript on the same page.

declare module "*.po" {
export const messages: any

Setup with server components

Since version 13+ Next.js allows you to use server components using the app directory. Lingui can easily be used with server components. There are however some considerations to be made so we can make optimal use of server components and it's capabilities.

  1. We want to avoid shipping to much js to the browser if it is not needed
  2. We want to be able to easily distinguish between client component translations (part of the js bundle) and server component translations.

The example below shows how you can setup Lingui to work with sever components in Next.js.

In Next.js 13+ it is a common pattern to add a [locale] dir at the root of your app to facilitate i18n. This parameter will correspond the the language of the page visited by the user. e.g. english en and french fr. When we switch between languages we will redirect the user to the new language url instead of the client side approach of calling i18n.activate(locale).

// src/app/[locale]/layout.tsx
import { t } from '@lingui/macro'
import I18nProvider from '@/components/I18nProvider'
import { loadCatalog, setI18n } from '@/utils/locales'

type Params = {
locale: string

type Props = {
params: Params
children: React.ReactNode

export function generateMetadata({ params }: { params: Params }) {
const { locale } = params
const i18n = setI18n(locale)
return {
title: t(i18n)`Translation Demo`, // this is an example of a server only translation

export function generateStaticParams() {
return [{ locale: 'en' }, { locale: 'fr' }]

export default function RootLayout({ params, children }: Props) {
const { locale } = params
const messages = loadCatalog(locale)
return (
<html lang={locale}>
<I18nProvider locale={locale} messages={messages}>

You can use the Next.js middleware to redirect to the default language if the root / is visited.

// src/middleware.ts
import { NextResponse, NextRequest } from "next/server"

const locales = ['en', 'fr']

export function middleware(req : NextRequest) {
const { pathname } = req.nextUrl
const pathnameHasLocale = locales.some(
(locale) => pathname.startsWith(`/${locale}/`) || pathname === `/${locale}`
if (pathnameHasLocale) return

const defaultLocale = 'en' // or find the "accept-language" in the header
req.nextUrl.pathname = `/${defaultLocale}${pathname}`
return NextResponse.redirect(req.nextUrl)

export const config = {
matcher: [

As you can see in the example above we slight modified the default I18nProvider with our own implementation. Here we pass the active message catalog as a prop. This is to avoid importing all catalogs inside the I18nProvider component itself and thus making them part of the client bundle. For the people who are wondering: Why we are not just passing an instance of i18n the original provider component? Server components can pass data to client components but the caveat is that this needs to be serializable data and i18n is not.

// src/components/I18nProvider.ts
'use client'

import { setupI18n } from '@lingui/core'
import { I18nProvider as LinguiProvider } from '@lingui/react'

type Props = {
locale: string
messages?: any
children: React.ReactNode

export function I18nProvider({ locale, messages, ...props }: Props) {
return (
messages: { [locale]: messages },

In the code below we take a closer look at loadMessages and setI18n function in the layout file. The loadMessages function will just return the correct catalog based on the locale. The function setI18n is more exotic. This uses a new react feature called cache. The React cache function allows you to memoize the return value of a function, allowing you to call the same function multiple times while only executing it once. This is useful in that we can set an instance of i18n for later usage in our nested server components.


The file locales.ts below imports all catalogs so it is important that you don't import this file into a client component otherwise all catalogs will be part of the js bundle. This is not dramatic but as we said before we want to avoid shipping unnecessary js to the browser if possible.

// src/utils/locales.ts
// Do not use import this file in client component
import { cache } from 'react'
import { setupI18n } from '@lingui/core'
import { messages as en } from '@/locales/en.po'
import { messages as fr } from '@/locales/fr.po'

export function loadCatalog(locale: string) {
if (locale === 'fr') {
return fr
return en

const getLinguiCache = cache((): { current: I18n } => ({
current: setupI18n({
locale: 'en',
messages: { en },

export function setI18n(locale: string) {
const messages = loadCatalog(locale);
getLinguiCache().current = setupI18n({
messages: { [locale]: messages },
return getLinguiCache().current

export function getI18n() {
const i18n = getLinguiCache().current
if (!i18n) {
throw new Error('No i18n instance has been setup. Make sure to call `setI18n` first in root of your RSC tree before using `getI18n`');
return i18n

Below you can see how we can use the Trans component and the getI18n and setI18n helpers inside pages and components.


In Next.js pages are rendered before the wrapping layout. This means that we need to call setI18n both in our wrapping layout and in each page so nested components can make use of the helper function. Read more

// src/[locale]/page.tsx
import { Trans, t } from '@lingui/macro'
import { TransNoContext } from '@lingui/react/server'
import { getI18n } from '@/utils/locales'
import Header from '@/components/Header'

type Params = {
locale: string

type Props = {
params: Params
children: React.ReactNode

export default function Page({ params }: Props) {
const { locale } = params;
const i18n = setI18n(locale) // Sets the i18n instance up for all (server component) children
return (
<Trans>Hello</Trans> {/* ⚠️ Trans is rendered on the server but will be part of the js bundle. It will use the wrapping I18nProvider to get it i18n instance */}
{t(i18n)`World`} {/* ✅ Will not be part of the js bundle */}

Below you can see an example of a nested server component. The getI18n helper can be used to fetch the current i18n instance. You can think of this as useLingui hook but for server components.

// src/components/Header.tsx
import { Trans, t } from '@lingui/macro'
import { TransNoContext } from '@lingui/react/server'
import { getI18n } from '@/utils/locales'

export default function Header() {
const i18n = getI18n() // will get the i18n instance set by page or layout component
return (
<Trans>Home</Trans> {/* ⚠️ Trans is rendered on the server but will be part of the js bundle. It will use the wrapping I18nProvider to get it i18n instance. */}
{t(i18n)`User`} {/* ✅ Will not be part of the js bundle */}

Finally an example of a locale switcher.

'use client'

import { useRouter, useParams } from 'next/navigation'
import { t, msg } from '@lingui/macro'
import { MessageDescriptor } from '@lingui/core/src'
import { useLingui } from '@lingui/react'

type LOCALES = 'en' | 'fr'

const languages: { [key: string]: MessageDescriptor } = {
en: msg`English`,
sr: msg`French`,

export function LocaleSwitcher() {
const router = useRouter()
const { locale } = useParams<{ locale: string }>()
const { i18n } = useLingui()
const currentLocale = locale!.split('-')[0]

function handleChange(event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLSelectElement>) {
const locale = as LOCALES

return (
<select value={currentLocale} onChange={handleChange}>
{Object.keys(languages).map((locale) => {
return (
<option value={locale} key={locale}>
{i18n._(languages[locale as unknown as LOCALES])}